Leading strategic economic development.

NRDA leads oversight of delivery, monitoring and reporting of the region’s ten-year Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021-2031, developed under the Kōkiri Forum. Strong collaboration and partnerships are key to delivering on our goal of an inclusive and regenerative economy: our economic development activity is purposeful, data-driven and strategy-led.


Statement of intent 2021-24 (PDF)

Strategic Economic Development

Strategic Economic Development

Leading the oversight of delivery, monitoring and reporting of the region’s ten-year Regeneration Plan, including facilitation of the Kōkiri Forum. Facilitating collaborative partnerships and initiatives to advance our priorities, and championing innovation and sustainability.

We apply lenses of climate change, productivity improvement and supporting the Māori economy to all of our work.

Economic Intelligence

Economic Intelligence

To support policy, decision making and key initiatives. This includes economic data and insights as part of an economic monitoring report to inform Council, stakeholders and community, including wellbeing measures to provide a more holistic view of economic performance. This will also include supporting Council and regional projects with appropriate and specific data and economic information.

This economic intelligence informs regional policy and considerations around social and economic infrastructure, and supports investment attraction and sector development initiatives.
