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Business support services

Sublime Brew Bar, Nelson

We provide help to local businesses making big moves, because thriving local businesses empower our communities.

At the centre of our business support ecosystem is the Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network; a Government funded programme designed to make it easier for NZ businesses to access early-stage support.

The Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA) are responsible for the delivery of the Regional Business Partner programme is the contracted Regional Business Partner for Te Tauihu (Top of the South). This means NRDA are the local contracted entity who is responsible for the delivery of this MBIE/Callaghan Innovation support. 

To arrange a meeting, or contact us:

  1. Register your business via the RBP website 
    Your RBP registration will come to us. Then, one of our local Advisors will initiate contact with you to arrange a follow up meeting / discovery session.  
  2. After your discovery session, our Advisor will come back to you with an action plan which is aligned to your business goals. This can include a mix of things such as funding, independent advice, tools & resources, connections, R&D support, and commercialisation support.
  3. Our Advisor will be your new business champion and we will regularly check-in with you to ensure you are making progress.

Callaghan Innovation R&D Student Experience Grant Case Study

A great opportunity for students to come into a commercial environment and inject their fresh ideas and thinking to the real world; while businesses gain access to an additional, technical resource who will work with them to help commercialise a new innovative idea.