Discover one of NZ's most diverse national parks. Secluded palm-fringed beaches and marble mountains make Kahurangi National Park a very unique national park.
Having escaped recent ice ages, Kahurangi National Park hosts over 80% of New Zealand's alpine species, making it the nation's most diverse park. It's home to the largest populations of great spotted kiwi, giant wetas, carnivorous snails, and one of the world's largest cave spiders, offering an abundance of unique wildlife and plants. The park features 570 km of tramping tracks, including the famous 82 km Heaphy Track Great Walk. This track takes hikers through varied landscapes, including craggy ranges, valleys of native palms, alpine meadows, and a spectacular coastline.
Experience some of the film sites for The Lord of the Rings movies. As you land on Mount Owen, you’ll be treated to spectacular views of the geological landforms that make up Kahurangi, which is home to the longest cave system in New Zealand.
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