busiest regional airport
Here in Nelson Tasman, the land and sea shape our way of life and consequently, our regional economy. Our stunning natural landscapes draw visitors from all corners of the world, our favourable growing conditions mean we farm the most outstanding produce and the oceans that surround us make us the natural home for New Zealand’s blue economy.
Led by Wakatū Incorporation and other regional stakeholders, the Nelson Tasman Intergenerational Strategy is a 500 -year vision for our region, providing a set of core principles to guide shorter term activity in a way that serves our people across the decades and ensures we act in accordance with Tupuna Pono – Being Good Ancestors.
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As part of the Kōkiri Forum, NRDA developed the Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan, a 10-year strategic approach to building a more resilient, regenerative inclusive and productive economy that serves our communities. The Kōkiri Forum is a collaboration of regional agencies working together to achieve shared priorities.
Nelson Tasman has an exciting future, and this Prospectus is intended to help you understand the potential of our region. Whether you are an existing business, new to Nelson Tasman, encouraging investment or thinking about moving here, this prospectus will give you the information you need to help you on your journey. Our collaborative and entrepreneurial spirit and our existing competitive advantages give us confidence about our future.
Guided by the Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy, Nelson Tasman embraces innovation and sustainability, presenting abundant investment opportunities that support our region’s well-being and prosperity.
busiest regional airport
Austalasian seafood port
National Parks
GDP growth 10 yr avg.
sunshine hours
population 2040
sports, cultural & arts events pa