Nelson Tasman data & statistics

Use our comprehensive economic insights and reports to inform your decision-making. View a quick snapshot, download a report, or explore in detail a wealth of information about our industry sectors, employment, GDP, population demographics, living standards and much more.

Infometrics reports

We commission regular reports from Infometrics to track a range of measures across the region.

Learn about Nelson Tasman’s growth, economy, employment, tourism, housing, productivity, population, skills, and more, helping you to form a better understanding of what is going on and how your business should respond.

blurry placeholderYoung professionals having coffee web - credit NRDA
blurry placeholderAlpine Lodge credit Alpine Lodge Website

When the COVID-19 pandemic first arrived in New Zealand in 2020, regional agencies quickly saw the need to work closely together to navigate and mitigate the economic impacts of the lockdown and whatever might come after that.

Project Kōkiri (as it was called at the time) was set up as the Nelson Tasman economic development collaboration - an action and insights-orientated taskforce backed by Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, Mana Whenua, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, Nelson Regional Development Agency and the regionally based government agencies.

The defining purpose of the collaboration was to ensure that the region had a well-organised and coordinated economic response across all agencies and stakeholders that could complement the health and social responses being undertaken. The Project Kōkiri group developed the Nelson Tasman Economic Response & Regeneration Action Plan which was released in June 2020.

That plan focused on response activity to cushion the immediate economic impact of COVID-19 and to support a coordinated response across government, local government, mana whenua and the business community.

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Uncovering Business Insights

The 2023 Nelson Tasman Insights report presents the findings of the 2023 Nelson Tasman Business Survey, together with data from other sources, to provide a snapshot of the business environment in Nelson Tasman.

View full report

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