There are a number of local council funding streams to consider. We are happy to support any application for funds and direct you to the right person or place as needed.
The Nelson City Council provides annual funding to support events through the Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund, Nelson City Council Community Events Fund and the Nelson City Council Venue Hire Fund.
The Nelson Regional Development Agency is the first point of contact for event organisers as we manage the administration of the Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund, can direct you to council staff to support with Nelson City Council Community Events Fund and Venue Hire Fund Queries and can support with marketing tools, promotion and partnership opportunities.
The Nelson Events and Community Events Funds. The Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund and Community Events Fund are according to the NCC Events Strategy which aims to support a diverse event offering that provides both community wellbeing and economic benefits, strengthens the region and its identity, stimulates a prosperous, vibrant and engaged community and delivers value at the right time.
For support and advice on funding applications, contact Rebecca.
Nelson Venue Hire Funding. The Nelson City Council (NCC) supports a diverse range of community events within its venues and the NCC Venue Hire Fund exists primarily to support community events hiring NCC venues for events which benefit the people of Nelson City.
For support and advice on venue hire funding applications, contact Rebecca.
Submissions to the Te Tauihu Regional Event Fund are currently closed for the Nelson Tasman area.
The purpose of the Te Tauihu Regional Event Fund is to stimulate the local economy by driving out-of-region visitation through multi-day events that support and leverage local industry strengths. In addition, the fund aims to celebrate the community, build excellence into event management, and minimize waste at events.
In September 2020 MBIE announced a $50 million Regional Events Fund designed to drive domestic tourism and travel between regions through holding events. The fund is intended to support the tourism and events sector following COVID-19 border closures in attempts to replace some of the lost spend usually generated by international visitors.
Te Tauihu (Top of the South) includes Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough and was allocated $1.5 million for the facilitation and funding of events over the next 4.5 years.