Murchison Day Walks



The historic gold-rush town of Murchison retains its old-school charm, which is evident in the series of short-day walks available in the area.

blurry placeholderCouple standing at Maruia Falls Murchison Tasman
Couple standing at Maruia Falls Murchison Tasman
The Kawatiri Historic Railway track is a 20-minute return loop. It follows a short section of the former railway line that once connected Nelson with Murchison. This short walk highlights include crossing an old rail bridge and exploring an eerie trail tunnel.

Six Mile Walk also provides insight into the depth of history in this little township. Traversing the path of the old hydro scheme from the 1900s, the track ventures uphill beside the old penstock to the intake and water storage reservoir. A viewing platform at the top near the old weir offers panoramic views over the tablelands, whilst waterfalls and rapids below the weir adorn the granite gorge.

Maruia Falls is a short 10-minute stroll from the side of the Shenandoah Highway, while the Skyline Walk zig-zags through mixed beech and podocarp forest to a viewpoint offering spectacular vistas over the Matakitaki, Matiri, and Buller rivers.

Contact details

Address: Murchison
